AI to accelerate innovation

Welcome to PhysicsX. We improve the design, manufacturing and operation of complex products and machines using AI.



Our purpose is empowering organizations to build beyond human imagination to meet the important challenges of our time.

At their core, many of our most critical challenges - such as the energy transition - are engineering problems. Technological progress is required to solve them at scale. We believe that AI offers a way to unlock this progress by fundamentally changing the way in which we do engineering.

About Us


True breakthroughs in innovation are rarely achieved by off-the-shelf tools. Domain expertise, understanding of context, and deep collaboration are needed to achieve lasting change.

We partner with organizations that have the ambition to reinvent the way in which they do engineering, building AI solutions to unlock a quantum leap in the performance of products and processes.



We focus on industries where accelerating innovation is crucial to improve performance and production while reducing consumption and waste.


Working at PX

We are excited about working on problems that change the world for the better and which require truly cross-functional thinking to solve.

Shoreditch, London, UK
Shoreditch, London, UK
Shoreditch, London, UK
Shoreditch, London, UK
Shoreditch, London, UK
Shoreditch, London, UK

This is reflected in the world-class team from diverse backgrounds we are assembling, combining deep expertise in engineering, artificial intelligence and software. If this sounds exciting to you too, we’d love to hear from you.


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